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Vape: all about nicotine pouches|2024

Nicotine pouches are a modern twist on nicotine delivery, offering a smoke-free, spit-free experience. They come in small, discreet pouches that users place between their gum and lip, providing a steady dose of nicotine without the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. With a variety of flavors and strengths, they cater to adults seeking an alternative to traditional smoking or dipping. While they’re gaining popularity for their convenience and perceived safety, it’s important to understand their contents and potential health impacts.

What is nicotine pouches?

Nicotine pouches are an alternative for those looking to enjoy nicotine without smoking, and they come in various flavors and strengths. However, they can still lead to nicotine addiction and are not risk-free. It’s important to use them responsibly and be aware of their potential health impacts.

What is in on nicotine pouches?

Synthetic Nicotine: The core active ingredient in nicotine pouches is lab-synthesized nicotine, known as Zero Nicotine Tobacco (ZNT). It’s added in the form of nicotine salts.

Plant-Based Fibers: Both the pouch and its filling mainly consist of cellulose, a plant-derived fiber.

pH Modifiers: Ingredients like sodium bicarbonate are added to optimize the pH for better absorption of nicotine through the oral mucosa.

Preservatives: Substances like potassium sorbate are used to maintain stability and prevent microbial growth.

Moisturizing Agents: Components like sodium alginate and vegetable glycerin help retain moisture and provide a comfortable mouthfeel.

Are nicotine pouches safe?

White Fox Nicotine Pouch - GN Tobacco

KWD 2.500
WHITE FOX SLIM – BLUE EDITION DESCRIPTION White Fox Slim – Feel the fresh pure taste of spearmint added by natural essential oils with White Fox Slim All White Portion. The well-balanced moisture gives a quick release of both flavour and nicotine. The slim-sized nicotine pouches fit well under the lip. A strong pouch with a nicotine level of 16 mg/g. FACTS Weight: 15g (net) Nicotine: 16 mg/g Flavour: Spearmint Pouches: 20 / can Pouch size: Slim Texture: Moist Available in: Single cans, Rolls (10 cans) Manufacturer: GN Tobacco AB Blue fox from the manufacturer GN Tobacco, which also produces the famous Siberia. Quality processing of pouches and a strong mint flavor. What are nicotine pouches (nicopods)? Nicotine pouches are completely white sachet portions, both before and during use, and do not cause yellowing of teeth or unpleasant bad breath. Beacause of their discretion, you can enjoy them anywhere, for example: in the office, in a restaurant, in a cinema or in a car while driving. They don't bother you, with smoke or smell, yourselve or anyone else. It is therefore a completely discrete method of using nicotine. It also serves as a healthier alternative to tobacco products. Nicotine pouches can help you quit smoking. وايت فوكس سليم – الإصدار الأزرق وصف White Fox Slim – اشعر بالطعم النقي المنعش للنعناع المضاف بواسطة الزيوت العطرية الطبيعية مع White Fox Slim All White Portion. توفر الرطوبة المتوازنة إطلاقًا سريعًا لكل من النكهة والنيكوتين. تتناسب أكياس النيكوتين ذات الحجم النحيف بشكل جيد تحت الشفاه. كيس قوي يحتوي على مستوى نيكوتين 16 ملغم/غم. حقائق الوزن: 15 جرام (صافي) النيكوتين: 16 ملجم/جم النكهة: نعناع الاكياس : 20 / علبة حجم الحقيبة: رفيع الملمس: رطب متوفر في: علب فردية، رولز (10 علب) الشركة المصنعة: GN Tobacco AB الثعلب الأزرق من الشركة المصنعة GN Tobacco، والتي تنتج أيضًا سيبيريا الشهيرة. معالجة عالية الجودة للأكياس ونكهة النعناع القوية. ما هي أكياس النيكوتين (نيكوبود)؟ أكياس النيكوتين عبارة عن أجزاء بيضاء بالكامل، قبل وأثناء الاستخدام، ولا تسبب اصفرار الأسنان أو رائحة الفم الكريهة. نظرًا لتقديرهم، يمكنك الاستمتاع بها في أي مكان، على سبيل المثال: في المكتب، في مطعم، في السينما أو في السيارة أثناء القيادة. إنهم لا يزعجونك بالدخان أو الرائحة، أنت أو أي شخص آخر. ولذلك فهي طريقة منفصلة تمامًا لاستخدام النيكوتين. كما أنه بمثابة بديل صحي لمنتجات التبغ. أكياس النيكوتين يمكن أن تساعدك على الإقلاع عن التدخين.
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The safety of nicotine pouches is a topic of ongoing research, and there isn’t enough long-term data to conclusively determine their safety. However, here are some key points to consider:

Nicotine Addiction: Nicotine pouches contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance. While they don’t have tobacco, the nicotine can still lead to addiction.

Potential Risks: Nicotine pouches are considered to be a smokeless alternative to tobacco, and in theory, they could be less harmful than burning and inhaling tobacco. However, they are not without risks. Some studies have found that certain nicotine pouch products contain cancer-causing chemicals known as tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs).

Side Effects: Short-term side effects of nicotine pouches may include nausea, hiccups, sore mouth, and irritation in the mouth.

Lack of FDA Approval: Nicotine pouches are not approved by the FDA as a method for quitting tobacco or as a nicotine replacement therapy.

Are nicotine pouches as bad as smoking?

They are generally considered to be less harmful than smoking cigarettes.This is because they do not involve combustion or the inhalation of smoke,which is associated with many of the harmful effects of tobacco products. However,they are not entirely risk-free and can still lead to nicotine addiction.

What is nicotine pouches used for?

Nicotine pouches are primarily used as a smokeless and spitless alternative to traditional tobacco products. They are designed to deliver nicotine to users without the need for smoking or traditional chewing tobacco. Here are some common uses for nicotine pouches:

Smokeless Nicotine Delivery: They provide a way to consume nicotine in places where smoking is not allowed or desired.

Tobacco Alternative: Nicotine pouches are used by some people as a harm reduction strategy or an alternative to smoking to reduce their exposure to harmful tobacco smoke.

Discreet Use: Because they don’t produce smoke or require spitting, nicotine pouches can be used discreetly, making them convenient for situations where other forms of tobacco use might be socially unacceptable.

Flavor Variety: They come in various flavors, offering an alternative taste experience compared to traditional tobacco products.


KWD 2.500



You can use BAGZ wherever you are and whenever you want.

You can instantly and discreetly satisfy your nicotine cravings.

Just put BAGZ pouch under the upper lip and leave it for a few and up to 30 minutes.


The variety of BAGZ nicotine pouches makes it easy for you to find your favourite flavor and the right nicotine strength.

Regardless of the concentration of nicotine, all aromas have distinctive, long-lasting intense flavour.



Open the BAGZ can along the perforation line. Intact perforation guarantees long-lasting BAGZ quality!


Place the pouch under the upper lip. When the nicotine starts to absorb, you will feel a slight tingle.

For maximum effect, use a BAGZ pouch from 15 to 30 minutes.


Once done using the pouch, remove it from your mouth. Place it in the additional container located under the lid of the can.







أكياس النيكوتين

منتجات الجيل الجديد مع النيكوتين

يمكنك استخدام BAGZ أينما كنت ومتى تريد.

يمكنك إشباع رغبتك الشديدة في النيكوتين على الفور وبطريقة سرية.

ما عليك سوى وضع كيس BAGZ تحت الشفة العليا وتركه لمدة قليلة تصل إلى 30 دقيقة.

10 نكهات و5 نقاط قوة

مجموعة متنوعة من أكياس النيكوتين من BAGZ تجعل من السهل عليك العثور على النكهة المفضلة لديك وقوة النيكوتين المناسبة.

بغض النظر عن تركيز النيكوتين، فإن جميع الروائح لها نكهة مكثفة مميزة وطويلة الأمد.

كيفية استخدام أكياس النيكوتين من باجز؟

الخطوة 1

افتح علبة BAGZ على طول خط الثقب. يضمن الثقب السليم جودة BAGZ طويلة الأمد!

الخطوة 2

ضع الحقيبة تحت الشفة العليا. عندما يبدأ امتصاص النيكوتين، ستشعر بوخز خفيف.

للحصول على أقصى قدر من التأثير، استخدم كيس BAGZ من 15 إلى 30 دقيقة.

الخطوه 3

بمجرد الانتهاء من استخدام الكيس، قم بإزالته من فمك. ضعه في الحاوية الإضافية الموجودة أسفل غطاء العلبة.

ما هي مستويات النيكوتين في الأكياس؟

4 ملغ خفيف

8 ملغ كلاسيك

16 ملغ قوي

24 ملجم اكس سترونج

32 ملغم اكستريم

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KWD 2.500
Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


KWD 2.500
Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


KWD 2.500
Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

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