
Ultimate Guide: How to Fix a Burnt Disposable Vape in 5 Easy Steps

Disposable vapes have made vaping easy for everyone, but a common issue is experiencing a burnt taste. This unpleasant flavor can ruin the experience and may be harmful. In this article, we’ll explore why your disposable vape might taste burnt and provide practical solutions to fix it, so you can enjoy a smooth and satisfying vaping experience again

To fix burnt hits in disposable vapes, it’s important to understand the causes. The main reason is often insufficient e-liquid reaching the coil. However, other factors can also contribute, including:

Dry Wick

The wick, usually made of cotton, absorbs e-juice and delivers it to the coil for vaporization. If the wick doesn’t absorb the liquid properly, it can’t supply enough e-juice to the coil, causing a dry hit and a burnt taste. This can occur when the e-liquid level is low or if you’re taking frequent puffs without allowing the wick to fully saturate between hits.

Low E-Liquid Level

Low e-liquid is another common cause of a burnt taste in disposable vapes. Without enough e-juice, the wick can’t properly saturate the coil, leading to dry hits and an unpleasant flavor. As the e-liquid depletes, the wick struggles to absorb the remaining juice, causing the coil to overheat and produce a burnt taste.

Subpar E-Liquid Quality

Using high-quality e-liquid is essential for a good vaping experience. Low-quality e-juices often have excessive sugars, additives, and contaminants that can build up on the wick and coil, causing a burnt taste. These poor ingredients can also clog the wick, preventing it from absorbing e-liquid properly and leading to dry hits and burnt flavors.

Incompatible E-Liquid

Even premium e-liquids may not suit your vape pen. E-liquids differ in density and the ratio of propylene glycol (PG) to vegetable glycerin (VG). Using the wrong type can cause a burnt taste. For instance, if your vape pen is designed for high-VG liquids and you use a high-PG juice, the thinner consistency may not properly lubricate the coil, leading to overheating and a burnt flavor.

Excessive Wattage

Some vape pens let you adjust the wattage for better vapor and flavor. However, high wattage can overheat the coil, burning the e-liquid and wick, resulting in a burnt taste. When the coil heats too much, it vaporizes the e-liquid faster than the wick can absorb it, causing dry hits. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommended wattage range to avoid this problem.

Chain Vaping

When stressed or enjoying your favorite vape flavor, you might chain vape—taking multiple puffs quickly without breaks. This can overheat the coil and cause a burnt taste, as the wick doesn’t have time to absorb more e-liquid between puffs. Chain vaping dries out the wick, leading to unpleasant dry hits.

Worn-Out Coil

The coil is essential in your vape pen, but it wears out over time, causing a burnt taste and dry hits. Coils need replacing every few days or weeks depending on use. If you still taste burnt despite enough e-liquid and proper use, replace the coil.

Clogged Wick

Sugary ingredients in e-juice can clog the wick, causing a burnt taste and airflow restrictions. Regular cleaning and maintenance can prevent these issues and maintain a satisfying vaping experience.

Fixing a Burnt Disposable Vape

To check the e-liquid level or fix a burnt taste in your disposable vape, you may need to disassemble it. However, disposable vapes are not meant to be taken apart, and attempting to do so could damage the device irreversibly. If you choose to proceed, do so carefully and at your own risk.

Remove the Top

Some disposable vapes, like the Elf Bar, can be disassembled by gently separating the top (mouthpiece) from the base (tank). Wiggle them carefully to avoid damaging internal parts. Use a fingernail or flat tool to create a gap and separate them slowly.

Examine the Internal Components

Before making changes, note how internal parts are positioned in your disposable vape. Pay attention to the wick, coil, and other components. Take a photo with your phone to guide reassembly and ensure everything is correctly placed.

Check the Wick’s Moisture

Without removing any parts, check the wicking material, which looks like cotton wool, in your disposable vape. Use a dry tissue to gently dab the wick and check for moisture. If it’s dry and you’ve tasted burnt flavor, it likely needs more e-liquid. If the wick is wet, the issue might be a worn-out coil.

Refill the Tank with E-Liquid

If the wick is dry, add e-liquid slowly to the tank using the same flavor as before. Avoid oversaturating to prevent leaks or gurgling. Let the wick absorb the e-liquid for a few minutes before adding more. This ensures a fully saturated wick for a smooth, flavorful vape.

Clean the Mouthpiece

While the top section is off, clean the mouthpiece of your disposable vape. Use a needle, toothpick, or damp cotton bud to gently remove debris that may block airflow or affect flavor. Avoid pushing debris deeper into the device to prevent further issues.

Preventing Burnt Hits

Preventing a burnt taste in your disposable vape is key. Follow these tips to enjoy a reliable vaping experience:

Vape at a Relaxed Pace

To prevent a burnt taste, avoid chain vaping. Let the wick absorb e-liquid between puffs for fully saturated coils, preventing dry hits. Take gentle, shorter puffs and pause between draws to prevent overheating and extend your disposable vape’s lifespan

Don’t Rely Solely on Puff Counts

Disposable vape puff estimates are rough guides. Longer, deeper draws use more e-liquid, reducing the actual puff count. Focus on vapor production, flavor, and performance. If any decline, consider replacing your disposable vape.

Avoid Overcharging the Battery

For disposable vapes with rechargeable batteries, avoid overcharging beyond manufacturer recommendations. Overcharging can damage internal components and cause a burnt taste. Use the provided charger or one recommended by the manufacturer, and unplug when fully charged. If overcharged, take shallow puffs to reduce battery charge and prevent overheating.

Store Your Vape Properly

Store your disposable vape properly to prevent leaks and burnt tastes. Keep it in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and extreme temperatures. Avoid storing in pockets or bags to prevent damage from pressure or moisture. Store upright when not in use to maintain even e-liquid distribution in the tank.


Experiencing a burnt taste from your disposable vape can be frustrating, but understanding the reasons and following troubleshooting steps can often resolve the issue for a smoother vaping experience.

Prevention is key: adopt good vaping habits like shorter puffs, resting your device between hits, and proper storage to reduce burnt tastes. Use high-quality e-liquids and manage battery life for consistent satisfaction.

Consider upgrading if issues persist, exploring better quality disposable vapes or advanced devices for more control over your vaping experience. Stay informed, practice good habits, and invest in quality products for enjoyable vaping without burnt tastes.

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